Mattress Handle Attaching Machines

Mattress automatic machines
for handle attachment

High level of precision and versatility

High speed

For a very high productivity without compromising quality

Compact machines

Engineered and made with high accuracy

Find out our handle attaching machines

Some details about Teknomac’s handle attaching machines for mattresses: easy to operate thanks to a very user-friendly interface


A machine in continuous evolution to achieve the best performance


Some details of Teknomac’s high-precision handle-attaching mattress machines

  • Attachment of vertical and horizontal handles
  • Pre-cut handle attachment
  • Embroidered handle attachment, embroidered logo/Printed logo
  • Borders with zippers can be processed
  • Attachment of labels in different dimensions in any part of the border
  • Attachment of the label (sewn on four sides or flag like)
  • Integration of printer to print label according to the product
  • Handle-making
  • Insertion of vent